Open Appointments for 2022!
Since his call to preach in October 2015, Lain Tomlinson has had the opportunity to preach at different churches, conferences, fairs, and schools across the United States. He primarily stays in middle Tennessee now, where he travels and preaches for churches without pastors or special appointments. With his musical background in Southern Gospel music, where Lain goes to preach, you will also usually find him around the piano with friends before or after the worship service. Stop in and see him if you're around one Sunday, and if you need a preacher, feel free to reach out through the contact form!
Preaching Appointments
Note: All times are CST unless otherwise noted.
- May 29th - Harmony MBC (Nashville, TN) - 11:00 am
- June 22nd - 26th - Revival at Harmony MBC (Nashville, TN) - 7:00 pm
- July 10th - 17th - Revival at Cave Springs MBC (Liberty, TN) - 7:00 pm
- July 19th - Revival at New Zion MBC (Bloomington Springs, TN) - 7:00 pm